Website Building: Pages

Pages / Navigation

According to your answers in the Creation Wizard, we have already added a few pages to help get you started.
The foundation of a good website is a structured navigation. You want your navigation to be familiar and intuitive. Your visitors should be able to easily find what they are looking for as this will leave them with a positive impression.
A good navigation can also lead your visitors to a page that you want them to see! Remember this golden rule: your website is user-friendly when a visitor can get to their desired page in three or fewer clicks.
We encourage you to plan the structure of your pages before diving into the creation of the navigation.
Your visitors will have an easier time navigating your website with pages that are well-thought-out. You can revise your navigation anytime – adding and deleting pages is easy!


Add new page

Adding a new page will automatically add it to your website navigation. We offer a broad range of common page templates that you can add and edit to your liking. You can also start from scratch with a blank page. To change the names of your pages, simply click on each one.

Add subpage

Your website can have up to three levels of pages. Add a page on another level for a clear and structured navigation. Organize them hierarchically and by common themes so their order makes sense to your visitors. Go from general to specific or important to inessential, keeping in mind your visitors’ convenience.

Move Page

You can move pages up and down in the navigation sequence, as well as move them to different levels, depending on your structure. Your most important pages, or the ones you want your visitors to pay attention to the most, should be topmost in the navigation structure. This page is also your home or start-page. Your navigation will organize itself from left to right in your header, according to the top-down structure you arrange them in.

Go To

Jump immediately to any page on your website to continue editing that page.


Hide Links

Hide a page in the navigation so visitors can see it only if you add an internal link to it (e.g. via a button). You will learn about links in the section about buttons. Use hidden pages like stepping stones to lead your visitors on a journey. Hidden pages are not indexed in search engines. If you want the content of a certain page to be discoverable on a search engine, don’t hide the page. If you want certain content to stay off search engines, you can hide the page.


Duplicate an entire page if you want to use the same layout for multiple pages (e.g. if you want to create a multi-language website).


If you want to start over with a page or if a page is not needed anymore, you can delete the entire page.

System Pages

Some pages are generated automatically to help you with the legal compliance of your website. All you have to do is fill them with the relevant legal info as it applies to your project or business. System pages are an important part of any website and can’t be removed. They give your visitors vital information and are, in some instances, required by law.


Legal Text Generator

Use the Legal Text Generator to create text for your imprint and your privacy policy by answering questions and entering your information. With the Legal Text Generator, your texts are GDPR-compliant and legally covered. The Legal Text Generator is currently included in the following plans: Start Legal, Start Max, Grow Legal, Grow Max, Unlimited, Basic Legal, Business Legal, and VIP. You can book this tool right here and get started!


In most cases, having an imprint is a legal requirement. Make sure your imprint is conforming to the laws of your country. If you need help with your imprint and want to make sure that you protect yourself from legal challenges, book our Legal Text Generator add-on!

Privacy Policy

This page will give your visitors information on the data that you collect and how you handle it. Depending on your website and the services you offer, this includes but is not limited to information on your use of tracking statistics, Google Analytics, or any other customer data that you collect via your page.


The content of your Cookies automatically generates based on the Website Settings and Content you use.
It is not necessary or possible to customize this system page. All information about the cookies necessary for the use of your website are found in the Cookie Settings in your Website Footer.

Cookie Banner

Your Cookie Banner automatically displays on your website once you go online. If visitors to your page accept all cookies, you will be able to track them in your Statistics. Additionally, videos and other externally hosted media play automatically only if visitors accept cookies.

404 Page

If you change your page structure and visitors use an out-of-date link, they’re redirected here.
Since you’ll want to give your visitors a positive experience, when they land on this page use it as an opportunity to send them elsewhere. This could be an existing page on your website such as your homepage or your shop. You can also use this page to create a conversation with your visitors by linking to your social media profile or a contact form that visitors can use to tell you which out-of-date link they followed. You can even provide visitors with a “hidden” discount code as a consolation! By doing this, you’ll reduce visitor friction when they can’t find what they were looking for.