How do I disconnect Apple / Facebook / Google from my BUILDLink account?

If you’ve connected your BUILDLink account to Apple, Facebook or Google, please add a new email address to your BUILDLink account first. After this, you’ll need to set a password for your account. If you’ve already done so, please skip to the part below on disconnecting social media accounts.

Setting a new password

  1. Log in to your BUILDLink account
  2. Go to the top banner
  3. Click on the Account icon Bildschirm_foto_2023-06-27_um_11.28.20-removebg-preview.png in the right corner
  4. Select the Profile tab
  5. Click the Add new password button, type in your new password and confirm it
  6. Click Save Password

Your new password is set. You can now log in using any connected email address and your password.

Disconnecting social media accounts

  1. Log in to your BUILDLink account
  2. Go to the top banner
  3. Click on the Account icon Bildschirm_foto_2023-06-27_um_11.28.20-removebg-preview.png in the right corner
  4. Select the Profile tab
  5. Click Disconnect from … next to Login options (this link appears underneath the respective social media account)
  6. Done!