How do I plan my BUILDLink website's navigation?
The foundation of a good website is neatly arranged navigation. When creating a BUILDLink website, we already suggest a navigation layout ideal for your project. This can of course be adjusted at any time.
Make a plan
Try to plan ahead and take notes. Which pages are important for your online presence? How many pages do you need exactly and in what structure? How should your visitors find their way around while browsing your website?
Feel free to use some simple tools like a piece of paper and a pencil! Draft an outline of your navigation, and remember that some of the best ideas are often times surprisingly easy.
Structure your navigation
Your visitors will have an easier time navigating your website with a well-thought-out (and consciously low) amount of pages.
You can memorize this golden rule: It is most user-friendly when a visitor can get to their desired page in three or fewer clicks.
Page Limit
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| | Remember, the number of pages you can add to your website depends on your premium plan. For more information about your page limit, check out our pricing page here. A message - similar to the one on the left - will appear under Website Builder> Pages if you have reached the limit, and you won't be able to add any additional pages.Need more pages? Then you can upgrade your plan anytime! |